Salida and Buena Vista farmers market vendor applications now open for 2025 summer season!
The Salida farmers market will operate on Saturdays beginning June 7th through October 25th at Alpine Park in Salida. The Salida farmers market runs from 8 am - 12 pm June - September and beginning October 4th, 9 am - 1 pm.
The Buena Vista farmers market will operate on Saturdays beginning June 7th through October 4th 2025 at Columbine Park in Buena Vista. The BV farmers market runs from 9 am - 1 pm every Saturday.
We are now accepting vendor applications for both markets as well as musician applications for both markets. We encourage you to apply!
Considered one of Colorado’s most breathtaking regions, the Arkansas River Valley is home to expansive ranches and farmland. With its abundant resources, fresh water and mild climate, Foodshed Alliance’s earliest founders recognized the valley’s potential for supporting a local food economy.
Experience the Arkansas River Valley and its local food systems at a Foodshed Alliance Farmers Market. With two locations - Buena Vista and Salida - Foodshed Alliance Farmers Markets showcase and complement some of Chaffee County’s most vibrant communities. Both farmers markets begin on Saturday June 1st 2024. The Buena Vista farmers market is held at Columbine Park (51 Linderman Avenue) from 9 am - 1 pm on Saturdays June 1st thru October 5th. The Salida farmers market is held at Alpine Park (404 E Street) from 8 am - 12 pm on Saturdays June 1st thru October 26th. Apply to be a vendor online or call us at 913-904-8207.
Our Vision
Connects, develops and promotes a healthy community by strengthening relationships between local producers and consumers. We aim to educate and expand our authentic, local agriculture and cottage industry; and empower our community to support a thriving, sustainable food system that contributes to the success of the buy-local community.
Our Mission
Foodshed Alliance facilitates a thriving local food economy by organizing and promoting Farmers Markets and Vendors. We manage the Farmers Markets in Buena Vista and Salida, Colorado and host ShedFest, a hyper-local, end-of-the-season celebration of the region’s talents and bounty.
Our Values
Access: We support access to healthy, fresh food for all residents in our community.
Stewardship: We encourage transparency, sustainability and integrity of land, animals, and people.
Community: We promote an inclusive gathering place that celebrates our abundant region.
Partnership: We believe dynamic and collaborative relationships are essential to shared prosperity.
Local: We stimulate local businesses and merchants to foster a stronger, more diverse economy.
Leadership: We aim to be a leading voice, innovator and public force for Farmers Markets in our region.